Remember where you heard this

Once upon a time, in a country known as the land of the free and the home of the brave, these words were rarely heard:
"May I see your papers please?"
But, increasingly, the free and the brave became dependent and cowardly. They begged to wear chains.
Many fought the trend, but even they were undone, because some in their ranks harbored fears greater than their love of freedom.
Remember where you heard this …
If American freedom dies, the widespread desire to control immigration will have been a major factor.
And remember where you heard this …
If the fight to defeat the creation of a national ID card FAILS, it will be because of the widespread desire to control immigration. Let us not forget, we have drawn the line on Real ID. Five years have gone by, and we’ve stalled implementation. But now, other Real ID Jr. proposals are building a head of steam.
So remember where you heard this …
Americans will have to carry internal passports, and show them to State officials constantly, and have every aspect of their lives controlled by far off know-it-alls in the federal bureaucracy. Your federal overlords will gain increased control over …
♦ Where, how, and even if you can earn a living
♦ Whether or not you can board a train, or enter a federal building
♦ Whether or not you can cash a check, or buy guns or alcohol
♦ What kind of healthcare you receive
♦ How long you’ll stand in line at the DMV, and whether you can have a license
♦ Whether or not you can be stopped on our streets, and even detained, for failure to display your card
♦ And many other aspects of your life
This total control will be made possible by a national identification system that was put in place in order to control immigration. But it will really control YOU!
In this way, immigration control and registration is just like gun control and registration -- it most deeply affects law-abiding citizens.
Remember where you heard this …
The immigration debate is NOT about what Mexicans will be allowed to do, IT’S about what YOU will be allowed to do. It’s about YOUR freedom …
♦ First the politicians wanted to curtail your freedom to protect you from terrorists
♦ Now they want to curtail your freedom to protect you from Mexicans
Remember where you heard this …
The immigration debate is a scam. It’s fear-mongering, foisted by busy-bodies of all varieties. The result will be Bigger Government in Washington, DC. It will control YOU. And now, it’s up to YOU to decide …
Are you afraid of terrorists and Mexicans? ...or whatever hobgoblin the Big Government Fearmongers will conjure next?
Will you be free and brave, or dependent and cowardly? Will you trade YOUR FREEDOM for a false promise of protection?
This is how we see the issue. And if you end up in chains, remember who warned you. We did.
Meanwhile, for the brave who want to remain free, let the spirit of resistance continue …
Please send a letter to Congress opposing all national identification schemes, including the new attempt by Senators Schumer and Graham, to MAKE ALL OF US CARRY Social Security cards with biometric identifiers.
In addition to this campaign’s hardwired letter to Congress, which reads as follows -- "Please don’t try to fix the REAL ID Act. Please, just repeal it." -- we suggest you add the following in your personal comments …
"Please oppose any legislation that contains any support for any kind of national identification system. I specifically oppose plans for a Social Security card containing biometric identifiers. I do not want ANY national identification scheme, and I reject your claim that I need such a system in order to be protected from terrorists and Mexican immigrants. I am not afraid! And I want you to stop being afraid on my behalf."
You can send your letter to Congress here:
Our thanks go to those who prefer bravery and freedom.
Jim Babka & Perry Willis
President & Vice President, Inc.

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