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Secret Agenda of Mind Control
A declassified CIA document dated 7 Jan 1953 describes the experimental
creation of multiple personality in two 19-year old girls.
"These subjects have clearly demonstrated that they can
pass from a fully awake state to a deep H [hypnotic] controlled
state by telephone, by receiving written matter, or by the use of
code, signal, or words, and that control of those hypnotized can
be passed from one individual to another without great difficulty.
It has also been shown by experimentation with these girls that
they can act as unwilling couriers for information purposes.”
Brain Scan That Can Read Peoples' Intentions
A team of world-leading neuroscientists has developed a powerful technique
that allows them to look deep inside a person's brain and read their
intentions before they act. The research breaks controversial new
ground in scientists' ability to probe people's minds and eavesdrop
on their thoughts, and raises serious ethical issues over how brain-reading
technology may be used in the future.
Are the Real Terrorists in Iraq?
An article in the Sunday Telegraph this weekend pointed towards evidence
that an secretive and elite unit of the British army is actively engaged
in recruiting and training Iraqi insurgents and terrorists as double
agents. This confirms what many have speculated for a long time, that
Britain and the US are deeply involved in bombings and attacks inside
Iraq which are subsequently attributed either to Sunni insurgents
or shadowy terrorist cells such as "Al Qaeda in Iraq".
Smile, You're on Candid
Downloadable .WMV file (4MB)
I well remember my father telling me, "A bird in a cage is safe,
but it is not free." That proverb pretty much summarizes H.R.
1. When fully implemented, the new law will create a federal police
leviathan that will place the American people into a giant bird cage.
Gilmore: Petition for Cert Denied
John Gilmore is disappointed that the Supreme Court refused to act
on the danger posed by the unconstitutional position of the TSA, and
its refusal to release the text of the law that it uses to require
travelers to show identification.
Brother - What It Really Means in Britain Today
Moves to share people's personal details across Whitehall have provoked
a civil liberties uproar and accusations that the Government has taken
another step towards "a Big Brother state".
Agents Going to Jail for Securing the Border
Question: Thousands of illegal aliens -- many of whom are drug smugglers,
gangsters and other criminals -- cross our borders every single day.
But what happens to our brave border patrol agents who aggressively
pursue and try to capture these criminals? Answer: 11-12 years in
HELSINGIN SANOMAT, the largest newspaper in Scandinavia, wrote in
the September 9, 1999 issue that Scientific
American magazine estimates that after the Millenium perhaps ALL people
will be implanted with a "DNA microchip".
How many people realize what it actually means? Total loss of privacy
and total outside control of the person's physical
body functions, mental, emotional and thought processes, including
the implanted person's subconscious and dreams!
Ghraib - The Bottom Line
Video collage about the torture of Iraqi civilians at Abu Ghraib prison
in Baghdad - the audio track is an edited version of Negativland's
"The Bottom Line," from their 1993 album "Free."
Department Database Stirs Privacy Fears
The Justice Department is building a massive database that
allows state and local police officers around the country to search
millions of case files from the FBI, Drug Enforcement Administration
and other federal law enforcement agencies, according to Justice officials.
El Amero, Amigos
The jungle drummers are already beating out the message:
The "Amero" - the new currency for the North American Union
- is coming...and Americans should accept it with alacrity. The party
line is that the North American Union, as a new supra-national political
entity, should have a currency of its own. Such is the propaganda.
What is the reality?
66% Think US Spies on Its Citizens
Two-thirds of Americans believe that the FBI and other federal agencies
are intruding on privacy rights as part of terrorism investigations,
but they remain divided over whether such tactics are justified, according
to a Washington Post-ABC News poll released yesterday.
Has Most Prisoners in the World Due to Tough Laws
Tough sentencing laws, record numbers of drug offenders and high crime
rates have contributed to the United States having the largest prison
population and the highest rate of incarceration in the world, according
to criminal justice experts. (Thank
you, NRA. Where would freedom be without you?)
taps cell phone mic as eavesdropping tool
The FBI appears to have begun using a novel form of electronic surveillance
in criminal investigations: remotely activating a mobile phone's microphone
and using it to eavesdrop on nearby conversations.
Airport to Test X-Ray Screening
Sky Harbor International Airport here will test a new federal screening
system that takes X-rays of passenger's bodies to detect concealed
explosives and other weapons.
Nations: The Islamization of Europe’s Cities
We have seen videos on TV of Muslim Jihadis beheading infidel hostages.
Less attention has been paid to the fact that Muslims are beheading
entire nation states. Although this is happening in slow motion, it
is no less dramatic. Historically, the major cities have constituted
a country’s “head,” the seat of most of its political
institutions and the largest concentration of its cultural brainpower.
What happens when this “head” is cut off from the rest
of the body?
New World Order's Letter To Every Citizen Of The World Warning Resistance
Is Futile
According to letter addressed to everybody in America, it's useless
to resist a one world takeover, as the program is in its final stages.
Firebell In the Night!
(MS Word .Doc format)
The first, most fundamental, and important rule for understanding
and solving a problem is defining the problem correctly. In America
and the world today there is no "war of terrorism." Terrorism
is merely a tactic. To say we are in a war against "terrorism"
is like saying we are in a war against calvary-charges, Gatling-guns,
or submarines. Who are in the submarines? Why are they attacking us?
What can we do to stop them?
2006: “Changes in course” and other post-election delusions
Following what appeared to be an election landslide that put the Democrats
in control of both houses of the US Congress, America’s Democratic
Party faithful are euphoric, and insanely optimistic about a Democratic
“house cleaning” that will not only bring down the “now-repudiated”
Bush administration, but stop the war in Iraq, “restore oversight
and ethics," and “end corruption." Put down the champagne,
stop the hysterical laughter, and wake up: none of it will happen.
Corrupts, Weapons Sales, and Other Revealing News Articles
One-paragraph excerpts of important news articles you may have missed.
Each excerpt is taken verbatim from the major media website listed
at the link provided.
Force Plan: Hack Your Nervous System
The brain has always been a battlefield. New weapons might be able
to hack directly into your nervous system.
Fleecing of an American, George Horvat
Generally, Americans acknowledge the steady flow of cash into the
big pockets of big business, particularly under the current administration.
Americans were fleeced, just by seven Bush administration agencies,
for at least $1.6 billion between 2003 through mid-2005. This amount
was paid, through hundreds of contracts, to advertising agencies,
PR firms, and individuals. Pre-packaged spin disguised as news were
used to propagandize Americans into believing that "war is peace"
in Bush's ongoing profit-producing, conflict against "evil doers"
This is according to a Government Accountability Office report released
February 13, 2006.
On the death of Milton Friedman
What the Libertarian Party should start doing now
Brother Britain 2006
Britain has sleepwalked into becoming a surveillance society that
increasingly intrudes into our private lives and impacts on everyday
activities, the head of the information watchdog warns.
Open Letter to the Red Cross
I am writing in regards the $385 million contract for vast detention
camps announced by Halliburton in a press release this past January.
Major media outlets have had little to say about this ominous development,
but given the American government’s previous use of such camps
to forcibly imprison over 110,000 Japanese-Americans (the majority
of whom were U.S. citizens) during WWII, the possibility of such camps
being used to illegally imprison Muslims, dissidents, citizens deemed
“enemy combatants,” and others in the coming months and
years cannot be dismissed.
Rumsfeld. Now.
According to sources, the Army Times is about to run an astonishing
editorial, openly calling for Rumsfeld to resign mere days before
an election. That's how desperate the military now is. Here it is
in full:
'will be able to keep tabs on us all'
The internet will hold so much digital data in five years that it
will be possible to find out what an individual was doing at a specific
time and place, an expert said yesterday.
New Documents
Detail Mexican Military Incursions
Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes
government corruption, announced today that it has obtained records
from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) through the Freedom
of Information Act (FOIA) that document 226 incursions by Mexican
government personnel into the United States between 1996 and 2005.
New Anti-Semitism
A recent third type of anti-Jewish odium is something different. It
is a strange mixture of violent hatred by radical Islamists and the
more or less indifference to it by Westerners. Those who randomly
shoot Jews for being Jews - whether at a Jewish center in Seattle
or at synagogues in Istanbul - are for the large part Muslim zealots.
Most in the West explain away the violence. They chalk it up to anger
over the endless tit-for-tat in the Middle East. Yet privately they
know that we do not see violent Jews shooting Muslims in the United
States or Europe.
Trading Liberty For Safety
The response was predictable. After sending our alert last Thursday
regarding the passing of the Military Commissions Act, we received
a flood of email. Many were supportive, but others took exception.
Fight at the Congress Corral
My first newsletter of the 89th Congress deals with guns and laws
and people. It's about a modern-day battle almost as charged as that
famous gunfight in Tombstone's OK Corral. Let's start with two stories
-- one fictional, one real.
During the next few weeks we will have the opportunity to subject
ourselves to broadcast debates between political candidates. These
rituals, every bit as exciting and meaningful as the Academy Awards,
provide the candidates the opportunity to disagree as to the best
methods to limit, control, and regulate (i.e., "govern"),
not to mention plunder and cheat, us.
Does Top
GOP Xenophobe Cash In on Undocumented Labor?
Republican Congressman James Sensenbrenner's stock holdings include
investments in companies that benefit from the work of undocumented
immigrants, as well as firms contracted to build new border security
R.I.P. Habeas Corpus
MSNBC's Keith Olbermann comments on the passage of the Military Commissions
Act, which essentially eliminates the 800-year tradition of Habeas
Wants ISPs to Track Users
FBI Director Robert Mueller on Tuesday called on Internet service
providers to record their customers' online activities, a move that
anticipates a fierce debate over privacy and law enforcement in Washington
next year.
to the Land of the Free
Activist opposing government policies is charged with crimes against
the state, declared mentally unbalanced, and forced to take psychotropic
drugs in a military prison hospital.
Military, Intelligence, and Government Officials Question 9/11 Commission
Many respected senior members of the U.S. military, intelligence services,
and government have expressed significant criticism of the 9/11 Commission
Report. Some even allege government complicity in the terrible acts
of 9/11. Below are the highly revealing statements on this vital topic
of over 50 prominent public servants with links for verification and
further investigation
Us In, Not Keeping 'Them' Out
To say that Congress's vote to erect 700 miles of “secure”
fencing along the southern U.S. border is an “empty” gesture
is a felonious act of understatement. It is barren of any meaning
save cynical political opportunism.
Fascism on the Rise
The precursors of fascism -- militarization of culture, vigilantism,
masculine fear of female power, xenophobia and economic destabilization
-- are ascendant in America today.
Holocaust's Arab Heroes
Virtually alone among peoples of the world, Arabs appear to have won
a free pass when it comes to denying or minimizing the Holocaust.
Bows to Bush
[N]ow, the Republicans' Military Commissions Act can not only remove
this bedrock of our liberty from prisoners outside the country but
can also strip habeas protections from legal immigrants here, as well
as from American citizens. This last-minute insertion into the bill
was worked out in a closed-door conference at the White House between
Republican congressional leaders and presidential advisers, including
Dick Cheney and his chief of staff, David Addington.
Sounds of Silencing
Free speech means hearing things you like and agree with, and it means
allowing others to speak whose views you do not like or agree with.
This--listening to the other person with respect and forbearance,
and with an acceptance of human diversity--is the price we pay for
living in a great democracy. And it is a really low price for such
a great thing. We all know this, at least in the abstract. Why are
so many forgetting it in the particular?
I miss the days of smoke-filled rooms when crooked pols chose corrupt
presidential candidates who were approximately sane. Today we have
a sort of presidential bus-station lottery. We choose as ruler any
beer-hall putz who can shake hands and grin his way successfully through
New Hampshire. This, plus the deep rot of the American political framework,
is allowing the rapid conversion of the United States into something
previous Americans would hardly recognize.
Massacre at Willis River
They were sound asleep. Danny and Cindi Henshaw were awakened by a
banging on the door at 5 a.m. on Sept. 12. It was the game warden.
Danny was arrested for "operating a mammalian hunting enclosure
without a permit" and hauled off to be booked.
It was the nightmare many had been expecting. Five years ago, hard
on the heels of 9/11, someone sent anthrax spores through the US mail
to journalists and politicians. Five people died, and at least 17
more got sick. The culprit was never caught.This relatively unsophisticated
attack confirmed fears, already growing in the US, that with a bit
more effort a determined bioterrorist could spread disease and mayhem
across the nation.
Arms Survey
The following COMBAT ARMS SURVEY was sent to Geoff Metcalf by a U.S.
Marine, with a (non-anonymous) note explaining that the survey was
given May 10, 1994, at the Twenty-nine Palms (CA) Marine base, to
a number of Marines from different units which had participated in
either: Operation "Just Cause," "Desert Storm"
or "Restore Hope."
of the King
A couple of days ago I was perusing the 1689 English Bill of Right
– precursor of our own Bill of Rights – and note that
the sum total of the gripes the English parliamentarians had against
James II are precisely what we have in the United States today. Here's
the complete list of basic rights the English wanted protected against
their king in their Bill of Right, a predecessor of our own Bill of
Rights. You might notice some similar language between the two.
Somebody should run and check the National Archives because the Constitution
may have sprouted legs and walked right of the District of Columbia
sometime after 53 Republicans and 12 Democrats voted last Thursday
to end an 800-year-old tradition called habeas corpus. No Reichstag
decree was required. No soldiers stood in the Senate gallery with
rifles pointed to threaten those Senators who might be tempted to
oppose rather than endorse dictatorship. The strongest motivation
anyone has yet proposed is that the November mid-term elections are
coming up.
Wrongly on Terror List
Thousands of people have been mistakenly linked to names on terror
watch lists when they crossed the border, boarded commercial airliners
or were stopped for traffic violations, a government report said Friday.
Prison Camps are on the Way
Kellogg Brown & Root, a Halliburton subsidiary, is constructing
a huge facility at an undisclosed location to hold tens of thousands
of Bush's "unlawful enemy combatants." Americans are certain
to be among them.
to Fascist America!
We’ve now gotten to the point where Nazi Germany was, say, in
1934. Remember, at that time, if you had told a typical German what
his government would do over the next ten years, he would have looked
at you as a madman. After all, his land had been civilized for over
a thousand years. His was the nation of Albertus Magnus, Gutenberg,
Goethe, Schiller, Beethoven, Bach, Kant, Hegel, Schelling, Fichte,
Heisenberg, Reimann, Mann, Lessing, Herder, Handel, Dürer, Leibniz,
Gauss, Helmholtz – he could have gone on, but you get the point.
His nation could not possibly descend into barbarism! If you tried
to tell him he was living in a police state, he would have pointed
out that his government had used its vast new powers very judiciously,
and only against a few trouble-makers. So far.
with Expiration Dates
Empires drive history. But the empires of the past 100 years were
short lived, none surviving to see the dawn of the new century. Today,
there are no empires, at least not officially. But that could soon
change if the United States—or even China—embraces its
imperial destiny. How can they avoid the fate of those who came before
Last week the tyrants in the House of Representatives
passed yet more unconstitutional legislation: an anti-drug and anti-weapon
law which would mandate school districts formulate policies for searches
- including strip searches, but would immunize teachers and staff
against prosecution. Should the schools refuse to perform under this
unconstitutional bill they would be denied unconstitutional federal
Inside the
Feds' Secret Wiretapping Rooms
Congress is considering three bills to "reform" massive
surveillance programs. But secret facilities around the country are
already eavesdropping on Americans.
American merger topic of secret confab
Raising more suspicions about plans for the future integration of
the U.S., Canada and Mexico, a high-level, top-secret meeting of the
North American Forum took place this month in Banff – with topics
ranging from "A Vision for North America," "Opportunities
for Security Cooperation" and "Demographic and Social Dimensions
of North American Integration."
and the State
The federal government plans a new role in delivering mental health
care. Historically, however, governments have used psychiatric techniques
for harm rather than good.
Pentagon's 12-Step Program to Create a Misfit Military
Iraq is driving down the number of new enlistees, and in desperation
recruiters are bringing in a motley mix of underage teens, foreign
fighters, neo-Nazis, and ex-cons.
says tax pollution, not payrolls
Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore on Monday suggested taxing carbon
dioxide emissions instead of employees' pay in a bid to stem global
warming. "Penalizing pollution instead of penalizing employment
will work to reduce that pollution," Gore said in a speech at
New York University School of Law.
Early and Often
Can I call 'em, or can I call 'em? Nearly four years ago,
I predicted charges of electoral fraud before the polls had even opened
in the 2002 elections. I was right, and such charges have only grown
louder as in recent elections.
Force Chief: Test Weapons on Americans
Nonlethal weapons such as high-power microwave devices should be used
on American citizens in crowd-control situations before they are used
on the battlefield, the Air Force secretary said.
rush to shoot, but ask us to withhold judgment
Late last month, Huntington Beach police officers unloaded 18 bullets
into 19-year-old Ashley MacDonald in a city park after, they say,
she moved toward them with a pocket knife. The shooting has understandably
sparked protests and countywide debate over when police officers should
be allowed to use deadly force.
Italia's "State of Emergency"
"State of Emergency" is a disturbing fashion pictorial in
Vogue Italia's September 2006 issue, focusing on the world of heightened
security we now live in . Artistic and thought-provoking, or distasteful
and exploitative? You decide.
In a recent commentary, former New York Mayor Ed Koch -- a Democrat
with at least half his brain intact (which makes him the leading intellectual
light of his party) -- asked rhetorically, "Why do so many Americans
refuse to face the fact that our country is at war with international
terrorism?" Because they're liberals?
Specter's Sellout
Senate Judiciary Committee chair intent on rescuing Bush from felony
Government Solutions Don't Work/ The Law of Opposites
Politicians throughout history have tried to solve every problem conceivable
to man, always failing to recognize that many of the problems we face
result from previous so-called political solutions. Government cannot
be the answer to every human ill. Continuing to view more government
as the solution to problems will only make matters worse.
You Have No Right to Self-Defense
Human Rights Council Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection
Prevention of human rights violations committed with small arms and
light weapons (report in PDF)
Body Search Violated Rights
A man convicted of possessing cocaine after a police officer found
drugs by shining a light down the suspect's pants should get a new
trial because the search was unreasonable, a North Carolina appellate
court ruled Tuesday.
as Academics Claim 9-11 Was "Inside Job"
Around 75 top professors and leading scientists believe
the attacks were puppeteered by war mongers in the White House to
justify the invasion and the occupation of oil-rich Arab countries.
The claims have caused outrage and anger in the US which marks the
fifth anniversary of the terrorist attacks on Monday.
Administration For Children's Services Must Be Stopped
New York's Administration For Children's Services Is Out Of Control.
They Are In A Panic Snatching Children From Their Homes Who Are Not
In Danger In their Homes. They Violate The Law. They Are Covering
Up Their Outlaw Drug Experiments That They Did On Foster Children.
Unmask the "Secret Senator"
S. 2590 is a bi-partisan proposal for a new search engine
that would allow taxpayers to "google" federal spending,
so that taxpayers could see just where our money is being spent. But
one or more pork-loving Senators on Capitol Hill doesn't like that
idea -- and they're secretly blocking this bill.
Worker Wins Whistleblower Suit
An administrative law judge ruled Friday that the U.S. Bureau of Land
Management illegally fired a former supervisor for speaking out about
the health and safety dangers at a toxic mine site in Nevada.
Who Took Food in Trash Get 6 Months
Two men who took fruit and vegetables out of a garbage
can have been sentenced to six months in jail. They were on their
way to the Rainbow Family's annual gathering when they were arrested
in June and charged with felony burglary and misdemeanor theft. Authorities
said they took five cucumbers, four or five apricots, two bundles
of asparagus spears and a handful of cherries from a garbage can at
Sweet Pea Produce.
accuses Lockheed of endangering national security
As a last resort a former Lockheed Martin employee created this video
alleging "serious safety and security issues relating to homeland
security, specially the US Coast Guard."
Election-Theft Testimony
Computer programmer Clinton Eugene Curtis testifies under
oath before the U.S. House Judiciary Members in Ohio
Moves Toward Monitoring Media
The U.S. command in Baghdad is seeking bidders for a
two-year, $20 million public relations contract that calls for monitoring
the tone of Iraq news stories filed by U.S. and foreign media.
Hitler Became a Dictator
Whenever U.S. officials wish to demonize someone, they inevitably
compare him to Adolf Hitler. The message immediately resonates with
people because everyone knows that Hitler was a brutal dictator. But
how many people know how Hitler actually became a dictator? My bet
is, very few. I’d also bet that more than a few people would
be surprised at how he pulled it off, especially given that after
World War I Germany had become a democratic republic.
Gives Google Two Weeks to Turn Over User Data
Brazilian authorities have given Google Brazil 15 days
to turn over user information from websites that promote criminal
activity, threatening the company with 23,000 dollars in daily fines
if they do not comply.
An Update on KT
" I [must] put up a 10% bond for the assets value ... just for
the privilege of attempting to get the items [seized by BATFE] back.
They claim in the forfeiture letter that these items where “used
or acquired in violation of federal law”, yet I've not been
charged with violating any law."
Official Aims to Ban Baggy Pants
A Dallas City Councilman wants to ban baggy pants in the city. School
board trustee Ron Price said he would ask the Dallas City Council
to make it illegal to wear baggy pants by either drawing up a new
ordinance, or by adding the ban to an existing ordinance related to
public lewdness.
Bacteria of Stupidity
Quite surprisingly, what may turn out to be the world's most
fitting epigram in our time was uttered by none other than the official
spokesman of the Hamas-controlled Palestinian Authority, Ghazi Hamad.
According to the Jerusalem Post yesterday, Mr. Hamad told his fellow
Palestinians to dismiss Israel's responsibility for the growing state
of anarchy and lawlessness in the Gaza Strip. He said it was time
for the Palestinians to embark on a soul-searching process to see
where they erred.
Letter from JPFO Supporter
"I came to this great country 12 years ago, as a political refugee,
and as soon as I could I applied for U.S. citizenship. It has always
marveled me how impervious is humanity to historical experience and
how vulnerable to agitation and frenzy. A little more than half a
century ago, the world experienced large-scale totalitarian dictatorship.
Two great monsters almost destroyed civilization. The world has not
cured yet from that terrible madness: The monsters are just wounded,
not dead. And it all started when these monsters tricked people into
surrendering their rights. Dictators have always been afraid of people's
rights. It's not difficult to imagine how armed citizens could endanger
the schemes breeding in the brains of a Fascist or a Communist. Up
there somewhere, someone wants people to believe that these monsters
are different from what could happen to our country, if we let them
take away our rights. Thanks for listening. "
to Sleep in the Night
The difference between then and now...
in Our Own Home
The Italian American Experience As America's Enemy Aliens
Civilian-Military Face-Off (pdf)
Some Marines say they can see the day when the Corps will be required
to execute Haiti-like missions, or worse, within the borders of the
United States. "The next real war we fight is likely to be on
American soil," three writers argue in a 1994 essay in the Marine
Corps Gazette, capturing in a sentence Marine estrangement from American
Has Become an Anachronism
VeriChip Corp., "one of the most aggressive marketers of radio
frequency identification chips," is trying to convince the Pentagon
to insert the chips, known as RFID (Radio Frequency Identification)
chips under the skin of the right arms of U.S. servicemen and servicewomen.
The rationale is to enable them to scan an arm and obtain that person’s
identity and medical history. The chips would replace the metal dog
tags that have been worn by U.S. military personnel since 1906.
Totalitarianism on the Home Front
Opponents of an absolute state often wonder how far the American people
will go in allowing Hitlerian totalitarianism into every single aspect
of their lives. When will they stop being compliant little beings,
and instead, stand up and fight for their right to exist unencumbered
by one totalitarian measure after another?
Proposal: Waterboard Congress
Maybe White House-favored interrogation techniques would coax lawmakers
to tell the truth about U.S. anti-terror policies.
Cops Take to the Sky
Farmers may seem like trustworthy people, but the U.S. Department
of Agriculture is taking no chances. It's spending tens of millions
of dollars to create an enormous computerized map of every farmer's
field in America. The program is intended to make sure farmers are
doing what's required to earn their government subsidies.
Police Halt "Anti-Social" Hopscotch Game
TWO teenage girls have been targeted by police - for
playing hopscotch in their Midland street. Officers swooped on Kayleigh
Mangan and Georgina Smallwood, both 14, claiming they were behaving
in an "anti-social" manner by playing the childhood game.
Infrastructure Fire Sale
The Chicago Skyway Bridge is a 7.8-mile toll road built
in 1958 to connect the Dan Ryan Expressway to the Indiana Tollway.
In 2004, the facility was leased for 99 years, for a one-time payment
of $1.83 billion, to the Skyway Concession Company, LLC, owned by
Cintra Concesiones de Infraestructuras de Transporte S.A., and Macquarie
Infrastructure Group. This same consortium won a 75-year lease for
the 157-mile Indiana Tollway for $3.85 billion.
Finders Keepers in NH
The New Hampshire state Supreme Court ruled on August
22, 2006 that the government can keep and destroy more than 500 CDs
taken from Michael Cohen in 2003 even though the state failed
to prove that a single disk was illegal. [Additional
Appeals Court: Driving With Money is a Crime
Eighth Circuit Appeals Court ruling says police may
seize cash from motorists even in the absence of any evidence
that a crime has been committed.
Bye Miss American (First Amendment) Pie
The Supreme Court came to a 5-4 decision in the case of Ceballos
v Garcetti that government whistle-blowers will no longer be protected
by the First Amendment.
Research Service Memo
Logic dictates that if you're deciding whether something is "legal"
or "illegal", you follow certain standards or guidelines.
Not the BATFE. This agency capriciously decides whether a firearm
is legal ... with no written standards, and no designated testing
procedures. Better hope the agent assigned to you is having a good
M3000 Reversal
Think your firearms are legal? Think again: the BATFE likes to change
its mind! What's legal today may not be tomorrow -- and you won't
know until you get the 2am knock on the door.

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