Kirby Ferris was an author of many JPFO articles, and so you can easily make sure to find and read them all, we provide this archive index to help you. He sadly passed away June 13th 2012 - you can read tributes to him from Rabbi Bendory, and also the JPFO Webmaster.
What you can do, for yourself, right now (Part 3)
Kirby takes a third look at firearms options and the rationale behind choice, this time a .22, following up from the first article on the subject, and a second. Read More
What you can do, for yourself, right now (Part 2)
Kirby takes a second look at firearms choice options, handgun this time and choice factors, following up from the first article on the subject. Read More
Why most of the world hates our Second Amendment
Most of the citizenry of the world has been psychologically castrated regarding self defense and personal firearms. Only Switzerland comes ANYWHERE NEAR our American Second Amendment. Read More
What can you do, for yourself, right now?
It's time for the personal procrastinating to end. America is coming into a long hot summer. The seeds of lunacy are planted even now in Florida with the hype over a self defense contraversy. Read More
How to save a thousand lives.
Kirby reviews a book by Matthew Bracken - "Enemies Foreign and Domestic". It tells a story which might once have seemed pure drama and paranoia - just perhaps however in present times, not so much? Read More
Is Race War in America Inevitable?
In 1997 a man named Thomas Chittum wrote a book called "Civil War Two - The Coming Break Up of America". I read it in 1998, was disturbed but impressed, and wrote a review of the book for a local newspaper. Read More
Violence solves a lot.
The smarmy platitudes from the gun prohibitionist community have assailed gun owners for decades. Led by misguided priests, rabbis, and pastors, America’s religious community gets fed a steady gutter tripe of manipulative emotionalism. Gun hating politicians, playing upon the fears of their constituency, pick up the chant. Read More
Firearms freedom can be habit forming.
"Freedom is addictive. Once appreciated by a people it is quite difficult to wrench it away from them, especially if they are armed. However, freedom can be seduced away from us. That’s what has happened for more than fifty years. Somehow a majority of Americans were sold the insanity that "helpless is safer". Does anyone really think that line of illogical slime is working any more?" Read More
Greeks Bearing Gifts.
If you were a small city or small town police chief or Sheriff, how far would you compromise to get truck loads of groovy military equipment, including machine guns and armored vehicles, from the U.S. Department of Defense? Would you go along with "gun sweeps" some day? Read about the apparent availability of military hardware, being offered to law enforcement. Read More
The Four Steps Towards England.
"I was raised an Anglophile, a person who truly appreciates the people and culture of Great Britain. However, I haven’t yet visited Great Britain. And now, by choice, I never will. Because Great Britain has become the one nation on the entire globe that I hold in irrevocable contempt. Yes, even more than the tyrannies of Iran or Red China or the African despots." Read More
Where are the Second Amendment’s Billionaires?.
"We don’t know who else on the entire list of 397 American billionaires might be as grotesquely entrenched against an armed American citizenry as Soros or Bloomberg, but you can bet there’s plenty of "quiet money" fueling the "gun control" movement in this nation. For instance: Warren Buffet is pals with Obama. Where do you think Buffet’s sentiments lie?" Read More
Out of the Frying pan.
Rumors are surfacing regarding the U.S. Department of Justice’s plans to abolish the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (BATFE). The blood soaked debacle of BATFE’s "Operation Fast and Furious", the blatantly felonious scheme of running guns to murderous Mexican drug cartels, may have put the nail in the coffin for what is almost certainly America’s most sordid federal agency. Read More
“Gunfight: The Battle Over the Right to Bear Arms in America”
by Adam Winkler (W.W. Norton and Company 2011).
Most of you reading this review on its first “cycle” will have a nagging and fundamental disagreement with Adam Winkler’s extremely well written, and fascinating, book “Gunfight”. Read More
The Insidious Semantics of "gun control".
"Gun Control" advocates fall into only two categories: the Liars and the Ignorant. There is no third category. The Liars invent the lies. The Ignorant believe the lies and repeat them. … Read More
An interview with long time JPFO member Charles Heller of Arizona.
A new article in JPFO's "Armed and Jewish" series. Charles Heller is a self-defense civil rights activist in Arizona, and is state certified to teach the use of firearms and the laws of self defense for the CCW permit course. He is co-founder, along with three others, of the Arizona Citizens Defense League, an organization which has twice in the last 6 years been recognized as the most successful grass roots civil rights (self-defense) activism lobby in the United States … Read more
Can We Prevent a Second Civil War?
This nation’s Second Amendment freedoms have too long been burdened with the lethargic and tunnel vision behavior of the gun owners known as “Elmer Fudds”, or, as Aaron Zelman used to call them “quackers”. This is the “good ole’ boy” type who simply doesn’t care about gun registrations, permits, regulations, or even confiscations, as long as he can keep his deer rifle or shotgun and exercise his “sportin’ rights”. … Read more
The Sixth Reason
It has been called the “elephant in the room” of American gun rights. Few in the Second Amendment movement are comfortable contemplating this critical issue. … Read more
Red Light, Green Light - The Survey Results
Following the "Red Light, Green Light" article (see below), the accompanying survey had a very good response - this new page contains a representative selection of answers and a link is included to a PDF file of the entire results. Comments ranged from totally positive to totally negative as might have been predicted … Read more
Red Light, Green Light
Is there perhaps a way to ensure reliable and lawful purchase of firearms for law abiding people, efficiently excluding those who are felons and mental cases? A means to buy without implicit registration? Read the article and take the time limited survey. … Read more
Any Excuse
Another shooting by a lunatic gunman seems all but certain. Just what the elites seek so they can follow their desire to absolutely confiscate the firearms they, as tyrants in waiting, fear the most: Serious caliber semi automatic, magazine fed, rifles. … Read more
Wouldn't it be Terrible?
That an American Border Patrol agent (an ex-Marine by the way) was reportedly gunned down by one of these BATFE smuggled firearms is just a quirky glitch in what has been an otherwise glittering history of flawless performances. … Read more
Good Cop ... Bad Cop
Sadly, if there are “Good Cops” then there are also some “Bad Cops”. Fortunately for us, the Good Cops outnumber the Bad Cops by at least twenty to one. This is an imprecise estimate, but candid (and very private) discussions with police officers seem to support the reality that, at the most, five percent of cops nationwide are “dirty”. … Read more
The Elephant in The Room: … An Armed Citizenry Vs. A Tyrannical Government.
The Second Amendment has nothing to do with “hunters’ rights”. It is not even to protect us from burglars, rapists, muggers, or even lunatics like Jared Loughner. These uses of a firearm for food or self defense are actually “spin offs” of the original intent of 2A. … Read more
The Next One
What if tomorrow’s homicidal maniac uses a pump shotgun, or, high on a safe perch, simply keeps reloading a five round capacity scoped deer rifle and calmly shoots people like fish in a barrel? I’m not giving anyone ideas that Hollywood hasn’t already dramatized in dozens of films. … Read more
The Enemy Within
The 2005 movie “Lord of War” opens with lead actor Nicholas Cage standing in a street littered with spent shell casings. He turns and speaks to us with droll sincerity … Read more
More Comments on the NRA and the McDonald case
Discontent with the NRA’s involvement in the upcoming, and immensely crucial, Supreme Court case McDonald vs. City of Chicago continues to be directed to JPFO … Read more
Incoming opinions on NRA’s elbowing in on the Mc Donald Case
We’ve had some heated commentary on our most recent alert (article below) regarding the NRA’s blatant intrusion into the upcoming landmark case of McDonald vs. City of Chicago … Read more
The NRA elbows its way into the McDonald Case
One wonders if NRA members should be proud of their organization’s apparent newfound fiduciary conservatism. The so-called “premier” gun rights organization has now managed to finagle its way into the spotlight after someone else’s sweat and money rented the hall, built the stage, and set up the sound system … Read more
Will Your Gun Rights Live or Die?
Between today and March 2nd could be as perilous for America as the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Please come and read Kirby's latest alert article … Read more
Are You Guarding the Guardian
There are two basic ways to destroy and remove a ten story building: From the top down … or from the bottom up. By blowing up the foundation, the entire building can be brought to earth in a huge heap. It’s a chaotic event, and leaves a grotesque pile of twisted rubble to clean up. But it works. Think of our Bill of Rights as a ten story building. Understand that the 2A is the foundation of that building. … Read more
Kirby Ferris Interviews Aaron Zelman
October 2009 saw the 20th anniversary of the founding of JPFO. As part of the celebration to mark the event, Kirby Ferris interviewed Aaron and asked many questions that gave us a fascinating insight into the history and personality of our now sadly late departed founder. … Read more
The Big One
The creeping incrementalism of "Gun Control" has been at work for decades and has gradually eroded many aspects of firearms ownership. All that is now required to complete the series is one final big push - "The Big One", with all previous restrictions rolled into one plus the addition of registration and a second and more draconian "Assault Weapons Ban" … Read more
Wisconsin's Top Criminal
The seeming blatent disregard for a ruling on open carry in Wisconsin is demonstrated by a top member of Milwaukee law enforcement. Kirby Ferris has written a commentary about this in his latest article which makes for decidedly 'interesting' reading … Read more
"The Voodoo High Priestess Of "Gun Control"
Kirby Ferris writes concerning the "High Priestess", Dianne Feinstein - and her plans to bide her time until she feels that the time is ripe - and then - “I’ll pick the time and place.” - to bring in her much sought after new Assault Weapons Ban … Read more
Signs of Things to Come?
The relatively recent Oakland, California shooting of four police officers by an illegally armed felon on parole, and using a semi automatic rifle, fell short of the “gun control” crowd’s more comfortable formula. It was already illegal for the paroled felon in Oakland to be in possession of any kind of firearm … Read more
Is There Still Time?
Like most of you, I must confess I never thought that what is happening today, in our nation at this very moment, would occur in my lifetime.Many of us have nursed a foreboding that it would be the task of the next generation to deal with what we face now … Read more
We Warned You
Samson, Alabama: A white male, with semi-auto rifle, goes on a shooting spree. At last report, all the UNARMED victims were white. Note the hierarchy of probability: White “lone gunman” shooting UNARMED white victims. Review the reasoning … Read more
Why Gun Confiscation May be Good for You
A tongue-in-cheek look at gun confiscation -
Let’s take a look at the silver lining in the cloud that is gun confiscation.
Try to remember: nothing is all bad.
Economics are a big consideration. Black market guns will likely be cheaper than they were at the gun shop or sporting goods store. And no more serial numbers on guns or any of that silly paperwork to fill out … Read more
Not Now, Eric
Barack Hussein Obama’s Attorney General Eric Holder naively blurted out the other day that he was going to lead the charge to get the so-called “Assault Weapons Ban” reinstated. Mind you, civilian ownership of “assault weapons” (by definition fully automatic firearms) has been legally forbidden to nearly all civilians since 1934 … Read more
Is JPFO Too Radical?
The following words are prominently posted on JPFO’s home page. Perhaps you could call it a “mission statement”.
“I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.” Barry Goldwater 1964
… Read more
You Know it's Coming
Presently in this country, an objective observer would have to acknowledge that a distinct (but far too quiet) majority of Americans do not want any further “gun control”. However, this “soft” opinion is malleable. It can be wondered too, do the gun grabbers need an event, a gory spectacle, to fuel their wish list of draconian legislation … Read more
Know Thine Enemy
Kirby prefaces an archive article originating from Gus Cotey - an incisive analysis of the seven types of gun control advocate. Read this and recognize these categories and so be better prepared to identify them and form your strategy for keeping your Second Amendment rights … Read more
The Hidden Weapon of "Gun Control" Advocates
For decades gun owners have shaken their head in wonder as lie after lie from the gun grabbers results in more and more anti firearms ownership legislation. We can conservatively estimate that there are at least sixty five million gun owners in America today. That is an immense “interest group”. And yet, gun registration (and outright confiscation) schemes have never, in the entire history of our nation, loomed so ominously on the horizon. … Read more
"It'll Never Happen Here"
Gun owners now face what appears to be the seeming inevitability of nationwide gun registration and ammunition registration. Many longtime pro-gun advocates, even in their most fitful dreams, had not foreseen the immensely somber showdown we are confronting. … Read more
What's Wrong With This Picture?
Proponents of “gun control” are screaming bloody murder over Democratic New York Governor David Paterson’s appointment of little known Kirsten Gillibrand to replace Hillary Clinton in the United States Senate.
Now get this: The NRA gives Democrat Congresswoman Gillibrand an “A” for her anti “gun control” stances. This is weird … Read more
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