April 7th 2014
Small Arms Survey:
Biased Reporting, Anti-Freedom Goals

Global discussion concerning small arms control has long had at its core a flavor of supposed altruism -- get rid of guns and everything will be better for everyone. Therein lies part of the immense threat in as much as, this is a wholly false premise and a calculated over simplification.
Nicki Kenyon takes a long hard and detailed look at the subject, which is probably much better described as a move towards total victim disarmament. If this all came to fruition then its proponents might claim they had achieved the final solution -- we however know better and could see the "final solution" as having a much great significance of meaning.
Small Arms Survey: Biased Reporting, Anti-Freedom Goals --> 
♦♦ Now at sale price -- "Gun Control Gateway to Tyranny",
THE definitive book that relates the link between the Nazi Weapons Law of 1938 and, the U.S. Gun Control Act of 1968. Now just $14.95 incl S&H..

Back by popular demand is the JPFO window sticker - 3½ x 3½ in size and the adhesive is placed such that adhesion can be to the inside of glass, thus keeping it out of the elements. It is now available from the JPFO Store - get yours today.

Refer to the "Sandy Hook Index" for an archive collection of valuable material accrued during the months following the events at the Newtown Elementary School.

Yours in Freedom, The Liberty Crew at JPFO
Protecting you by creating solutions to destroy "gun control"

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