JPFO works to destroy so-called "gun control" (code words for disarming innocent people), exposing misguided notions that lead people to seek so-called "gun control," and we encourage Americans to understand and defend all the Bill of Rights for all citizens.
Review of APA Paper on Psychopathy, Gun Carrying and Firearm ViolenceBy Dean Weingarten. Jan 10. 2025A paper published in the Psychology of Violence is interesting because of what it did not find. The paper did not find any correlation between legally carrying a gun and four psychopathic measures. [...] |
What Happens When We Disarm the Good Guys?By Rob Morse. Jan 8, 2025We are not all the same. Different states handle things in different ways. We know that taxes vary from state to state. So do the regulations on our civil rights. Some states make it easy to defend yourself in public. [...] |
Senior Citizen HandgunsBy Massad Ayoob. Jan 6, 2025"It's not the age, it's the mileage," said Indiana Jones. In my case, it's also lack of maintenance. The fact is, though, that a lot of folks find in their older years that the favorite guns of their salad days no longer seem to work as well for them as they once did. [...] |
Beyond The Botched Manley ATF RaidBy George Devinny. Jan 3, 2025A recent article by Lee Williams described the traumatic event experienced by the Manley family when they were unjustly raided by the ATF. A further piece by Lee is contained within an another post made by Dave Workman [...] |
The Most Dangerous Gun Control Argument You Will Ever ReadBy William Kirk. Dec 31, 2024We don't make this statement lightly, but the folks over at Giffords and Brady have filed an amicus brief in a matter, challenging all of Maryland's new sensitive places, that argues that the First Amendment and the Second Amendment cannot coexist (video). [...] |
Special Report: The Terror of a Wrongful ATF RaidLee Williams. Dec 30, 2024Mark "Choppa" Manley is a gun owner, a gun collector and a Second Amendment advocate who has more than 70 legally owned firearms stored in a gun safe at his Baltimore home. All of his firearms comply with both federal law and the laws of Maryland. [...] |
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